Can trade mitigate climate change impacts?
If you find this question interesting you might take a look at my research. It focusses on international and environmental economics.
My research focusses on international and environmental economics. I am using quantitative trade models based on the so-called gravity equation in order to derive numbers from theory. Therefore I link my educational background as an agricultural economist with my current work at the ==Austrian Institute of Economic Research== and the ==Kiel Institute for the World Economy==. For example, I use global gridded crop models to asses the impact of climate change on agricultural productivities and combine this with a gravity model in order to asses how different trade regimes can compensate negative welfare effects. Furthermore I am interested in econometrics of high-resolution and high-frequency data, e.g. ==remote sensing== and ==spatial data==.
Macroeconomic structural change likely increases inequality in India more than climate policy (with Marian Leimbach, Michael Hübler, Lorenzo Montrone, Gabriel Felbermayr, Mathias Kalkuhl, Jan Steckel, Eduard Bukin, Johannes Koch, Marcos Marcolino, & Frank Pothen), Environmental Research Letters, 2024.
Long-Run Impacts of the Conflict in Ukraine on Food Security in Africa, (with Lacina Balma, Tobias Heidland, Sebastian Jävervall, Adamon N. Mukasa and Andinet Woldemichael), African Development Review, 2024.
Cutting through the Value Chain: The Long-Run Effects of Decoupling the East from the West, (with Gabriel Felbermayr and Alexander Sandkamp), Empirica, 2023.
Working Paper
The Carbon Footprint of Global Trade Imbalances (with Joschka Wanner), CESifo, 2023.
Climate Change Adaptation: Agricultural Productivity Shocks and Trade Policy Responses, in progress.
Advisory Work
With the knowledge gained through research, I do advisory work for policy makers and institutions, such as the ==European Commission==, ==European Parliament==, ==African Development Bank==, or local ministries, such as, the ==German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs==, ==German Federal Foreign Office==, ==Austrian Ministry for Labour and Economy==. Dialogue with leading figures at the international, national, and regional level is aimed at incorporating socially relevant issues into my work and providing these actors with a sound informational basis for economic decision-making.
EU Climate Policy, Climate Clubs and Carbon Border Adjustment (with Joschka Wanner, Gabriel Felbermayr and Sonja Peterson), Bertelsmann Foundation.
Corona Pandemic: Global Data Monitor (with Katrin Kamin, Julian Hinz, Vincent Stamer and Jakob Kutsch), Federal Foreign Office.
Supply Chains in the Post-Corona Era (with Alexander Sandkamp and Gabriel Felbermayr), Impuls Foundation, Mechanical Engineering Industry Association.
Germany’s Economy in Times of the Corona Lockdown (with Gabriel Felbermayr and Julian Hinz), Kiel Policy Brief, Spezial Corona-Update.
My contributions and commentary have been featured in renowned publications and TV shows such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, ZDF heute, and ARD Brennpunkt.
I am a research fellow at the ==Austrian Institute of Economic Research== and a postdoc at the ==Kiel Institute for the World Economy==. I hold a PhD in Quantitative Economics from Kiel University. Recently, I made a research visit at the ==Universtiy of California, Berkeley==, as a Fulbright Scholar.

Twitter: @HMahlkow
GitHub: @hendrikmahlkow
Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Arsenal Objekt 20A
1030 Vienna
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Kiellinie 66
24105 Kiel